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Sneak Peak

We're working hard with the Experiance Technology project, things are slowly but steady moving forward. The upcoming days are all about interface design - so I bring to you - A Sneak Peak! Looks exciting huh? 

Read more about our progress at CreamTeams blog!

Experience Technology 2008

So we have started a new module - I guess the best module we'll ever have, it's about experiencing technology. What it basicly means is that we're assigned a specific technology, rfid in our case, and based on that technology you are to create an interactive experience/product. This will later be showcased at an exhibition up in Stockholm held at the end of this month. 

My current group has jumped in straight in this task and has a great concept, we've already done alot of prototyping (in two days!) - I've been up very late nights coding AS3 (time to migrate from AS2) and the results we have got so far look VERY promising. 

I'm sorry I can't tell you more right now but you can read more and follow our progress on my groups experience technology blog at: Our Blog!